We are good at helping you answer the question “How do I want to live?” and identifying, expressing and celebrating the essential in your life and in every project we take on. For our commercial clients, it is about expressing your brand or your fundamental idea or message clearly in your space. Simplicity is at the core of everything we do. Resilience–the capability to save and reuse materials like old growth lumber, design and employ passive lighting and heating methods and create a solar infrastructure–and alignment–where a space is reconfigured to align with your lifestyle or your workplace culture–complete the trinity of how we roll. We are also highly competent architects and interior designers who can take the most unpromising space and make it dazzling.

makeArchitecture Co is an Illinois-licensed professional corporation based in Chicago, Illinois, and can be reached via email here. Its principal William Huchting is the national board secretary of the Association of Licensed Architects, sits on the steering committee to Elevate Devon Avenue and is active in the effort to restore and elevate a 1960 vintage Mies residential highrise in Chicago. He earned a Masters Degree in Architecture from the University of Virginia where he taught the first year design studio. William’s clients find him to be fun and super helpful at navigating and driving the process from asking how do you want to live, through the technical and permit issues towards the final goal of solving your fundamential design issues.

We will help you see and realize your dream. Our work is classic and timeless, and– when you work with us–your project will be amazing. And we try not to suck. Seriously.