What does a sustainable house look like?

More importantly, how does it perform?

The look or expression comes from the performance.

This is the first in a series of posts about sustainability and architecture.

What does a sustainable house look like?

But the real question is how it performs.

First, siting a building matters. Passive heating and cooling techniques are foremost. Second, the building section aims to the “perfect” building section where control is maintained, moisture is limited and drained when needed keeping the section dry. Third, the garden merges with the interior. I posted a photo of a great example in an inner suburb of Sydney by the brilliant architect duo of Neeson Murcutt   

Masonry is out as an exterior material. It’s in as one the harvests the winter sun’s rays to radiate back at night.

Standing seam metal or soshugi ban – charred cedar – is the new exterior rainscreen of choice. More on rainscreens later.

Everything is about the expression of layers now. And many times that looks different than architecture today.

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