What does “Millworker to provide samples” mean?

Perhaps you have seen this note on a set of architecture drawings?
Millworker to provide samples for client/architect approval

What does it mean?

Aren’t the architect’s drawings sufficient?

Architecture is a team endeavor grounded in a set rules. In a classic tripartite scheme, the client has separately contracted with the architect to create the design and then the general contractor to execute the design. The general contractor then subcontracts with a millworker to fabricate the millwork. The millworker creates drawings and makes samples to ascertain that his work fullfils the original design intent. Sometimes the millworker makes suggestions improving the work. WE LOVE THAT!!!! The architect then looks over the samples and drawings, approves them himself and/or consults with the client to make sure they are satisified and then approves them.

On average, the millworker’s drawings may require a revision or two or, sometimes, three. The millworker makes the final field measurements and then updates his drawings to make sure that the millwork will fit perfectly into the the space–usually between the drywall–and they fulfill the design intent.

These top and bottom rail samples were beautifully fabricated for an addition to a patio and garden at the former Fort Sheridan Army Base in Highland Park.

There were approved and the last photo shows them stained with the historic Fort Sheridan colors. #highlandpark #millwork #custommillwork #fortsheridan #customkitchen #fortsheridan #lincolnpark #oldtown #historicpreservation #historicpreservationlincolnpark #historicpreservationoldtown #historicpreservationhighlandpark #historicpreservationwinnetka #winnetka #glencoe #kenilworth