Orienting your home to the sun saves money, energy and creates a warm environment

Most homes are placed in the center of their lots. The relationship with the sun and local wind conditions is generally not considered. Is there a better way to site a home? Are there any passive heating or cooling strategies that can make a warmer, cooler and more livable and beautiful home?

Human comfort revolves around our body temperature and the humidty in the air around us. We sweat and moisture evaporates from our skin and this process–evaporative –helps us maintain our body temperature. A place to begin thinking about this architecturally  is the bioclimatic chart. A bioclimatic chart is a device where the average highest monthly temperature is plotted on a graph against the average lowest relative humidity and vice versa. The passive possibilites are bounded in the areas outlined on the graph.

FL Wright has always been one of our favorite architects. At his best, his interiors are warm and light filled. His interest and expression of passive solar in terms of siting and the building section is timeless and independent of his stylisitic preferences. There’s a lot there to learn. One of these houses is even open to the public. Wright designed it for a disabled WWII veteran. Check it out!!! 

FL Wright Laurent House in Rockford, Illinois  

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